by Maja Trochimczyk
Panufnik’s Texts and Interviews
- “All my Children: A Portrait of Sir Andrzej Panufnik in Conversation with Tully Potter.” The Musical Times 132 no. 1778 (April 1991): 186-191.
- “Panufnik’s Sacred Symphony.” Classic CD. (December 1990).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. O sobie . [About Myself]. Warszawa: Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza, 1990. Translation of Composing myself..
- “Pre-Prom Talk,” July 27, 1989, for Promenade Concerts, London, Albert Hall, typescript.
- “Tomorrow, the Polish-born composer Andrzej Panufnik is 75 years old. Interview with Fiona Maddocks. The Independent. (29 September 1989).
- “Lines of Approach. Interview with Robert Maycock.” Classical Music (September 23, 1989).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. Composing Myself. London: Methuen, 1987.
- Peterkiewicz, Jerzy and Andrzej Panufnik. “Three Conversations.” New Literary History 15 (Winter 1984): 273-87.
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Homage to Béla Bartók.” Tempo no. 136 (March 1981): 3-5.
- Panufnik, Andrzej. Program notes in Program books of the International Festival of Contemporary Music, Warsaw Autumn, to Universal Prayer (1977), Sinfonia Sacra (1978), “Song to the Virgin Mary” (1983), Arbor Cosmica (1985), Sinfonia Votiva (1986), Sinfonia di Speranza (1987), Sinfonia Mistica (1989), Katyń Epitaph (1989), Autumn Music(1990), Sinfonia d Sfere (1994).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. Impulse and Design in my Music. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1974.
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “About my Autumn Music and Universal Prayer.” Tempo no. 96 (spring 1971): 11-15.
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Refleksje z jeszcze jednego konkursu międzynarodowego” [Reflections from Yet Another International Music Concert; Queen Elisabeth Music Concert]. Przegląd Kulturalny no. 3 (1954).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Wrażenia belgijskie,” [Belgian Impressions]. Przegląd Kulturalny no. 43 (1953).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Pokój można obronić.” [Peace May Be Defended]. Przegląd Kulturalny no. 13 (1953).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Credo artystyczne.” [Artistic Creed], photocopy of manuscript. Dated Warsaw, April 24, 1952.
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Wypowiedź o J. S. Bachu,” in Zofia Lissa, ed. Almanach J.S. Bach. Warszawa, 1951, 148.
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Treść narzuciła formę.” [The Content Imposed the Form]. Życie Warszawy (June 25, 1951).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Moje wrażenia muzyczne z ZSRR” [My Musical Impressions From the USSR]. Nowa Kultura 15 (July 9, 1950): 5-6.
- Panufnik, Andrzej.”Najbardziej zaimponował człowiek” [The Human Being Impressed Me Most of All]. Życie Warszawy (November 13, 1950).
- “Simfonia Mira. Biesieda s polskim kompositorom Andrieiem Panufnikom.” Ogoniok no. 26 (1950).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Symfonia pokoju.” Muzyka, 3-4 (June-July 1950): 49-50. Abbreviated reprint of the previous item.
- “Rozmowa z Andrzejem Panufnikiem.” Interview with W. Pawłowski. Ruch Muzyczny no. 10 (1949).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Festiwal Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Muzyki Współczesnej w Palermo.” Ruch Muzyczny no. 10 (1949): 18-20.
- “Hymn Partii Zjednoczonej. Rozmowa z Andrzejem Panufnikiem.” [The Anthem of a United Party: Conversation with A. P.], by I. Kozielska. Echo (December 11, 1948).
- “Begegnung mit Panufnik.” Berlin am Mittag no. 5 (1948).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Some Polish Composers of Today.” Tempo (winter 1947-48).
- “Porównania.” [Comparisons]. Ruch Muzyczny no. 21 (1947).
- “Un entretien avec M. Andrzej Panufnik.” La Tribune de Genève (January 13, 1947).
- “Entretien avec M. Panufnik,” with S. Mury. Revue Musicale de France no. 6 (1946).
- “Znakomity kompozytor polski w Paryżu” [Eminent Polish Composer in Paris]. Gazeta Polska (Paris, September 1946).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Po hitlerowskim wstrząsie i ożywczej atmosferze Paryża…” Interview. [After the Shock of Hitler and the Revitilizing Atmosphere of Paris]. Wiadomości Codzienne (July 22, 1939).
- Panufnik, Andrzej. “Abstrakcja w muzyce współczesnej. Refleksje i uwagi.” [Abstraction in Contemporary Music: Reflections and Remarks]. Muzyka Polska 78 (1937): 365-369.
Writings about Panufnik
- Bolesławska, Beata. “Andrzej Panufnik and the Pressures of Stalinism in Post-war Poland.” Tempo: A Quarterly Review of Modern Music no. 220 (April 2002): 14-19.
- Bolesławska, Beata. Panufnik. Kraków: PWM, 2001.
- Bolesławska, Beata. “Geometry in Panufnik’s Oeuvre,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Bristiger, Michał. “O Panufniku bez hagiografii” [About Panufnik Without Hagiography]. Przegląd Kulturalny no. 10 (1954).
- Broncell, Zdzisław. “Jubileusz Andrzeja Panufnika” [The Jubilee of A. P.]. Kultura (Paris, No. 12, 1984).
- Buchner, Antoni. “Die fortdauernde Verfemung in Polen,” in Verfemte Musik: Komponisten in den Diktaturen unseres Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1997, 219-227.
- Chłopecki, Andrzej. “Aus der Geschichte der schlecht anwesenden Musik: Andrzej Panufniks Ruckkehr nach Polen.” Musik Texte: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik no. 37 (December 1990): 54-57.
- Chłopicka, Regina. “Dramaturgy in the Symphonies of Panufnik and Penderecki,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Chłopecki, Andrzej. “Aus der Geschichte der schlecht anwesenden Musik Andrzej Panufnik’s Rückkehr nach Polen.” Musiktexte no. 37 (1990).
- Christensen, Duane L. “Andrzej Panufnik and the Structure of the book of Jonah: Icons, Music, and the Literary Art.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 28 (June 1985): 133-140.
- Conway, Paul. “The Symphonies of Andrzej Panufnik.” British Music Society News no. 94 (June 2002): 267-272. Also published online, The Music Web, May 2002.
- Gałuszka, Mieczysław and Kazimierz Kowalewicz. “Landscape Andrzeja Panufnika w potocznym odbiorze” [The “Landscape” of A. Panufnik in Common Reception]. Muzyka 37 no. 3 (1992): 65-78.
- Głowiński, Michał. “Pochwala bohaterskiego oportunizmu. Epizod socrealistyczny w biografii Andrzeja Panufnika,” [Praise of a Heroic Opportunism. Socrealist Episode in the Biography of A.P.], in Michał Głowiński, Rytuał i Demagogia – trzynaście szkiców o sztuce zdegradowanej” [Ritual and Demagogy – 13 Sketches about Degraded Art]. Warsaw: OPEN, 1992.
- Gwizdalanka, Danuta. “Politische Aspekte des Warschauer Herbstes und der neuen polnischen Musik,” in Warschauer Herbst und neue polnische Musik: Ruckblicke–Ausblicke. Essen: Blaue Eule, 1998, 11-18.
- Gwizdalanka, Danuta. “Trzy postawy wobec totalitaryzmu: Roman Palester, Andrzej Panufnik, Witold Lutosławski.” [Three Stances Towards Totalitarianism: R. Palester, A. Panufnik, W. Lutosławski], in Maciej Jabłoński and Janina Tatarska, eds., Muzyka i totalitaryzm. Poznań: Ars Nova, 1996, 169-184.
- Gwizdalanka, Danuta. “W 80 rocznicę urodzin Andrzeja Panufnika.” [On the 80th birth anniversary of A. Panufnik]. Program of the 29th International Festival Vratislavia Cantans. Wrocław: Ośrodek Kultury i Sztuki, 1994, 59-69.
- Harley, Maria Anna [Maja Trochimczyk]. “Bogurodzica Reborn: A Medieval Anthem in Contemporary Polish Music.” Chapter in Mittelalter-Sehnsucht. Dorothea Redepenning and Annette Kreutziger-Herr, eds. Kiel, Germany: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG, 2000, 131-152.
- Haubenstock, Roman. “Andrzeja Panufnika Uwertura tragiczna.” Ruch Muzyczny no. 21 (1948).
- Haubenstock, Roman. “Symfonia wiejska” [Rustic symphony]. Dziennik literacki no. 27 (1949). Helman, Zofia. “Muzyka polska miedzy dwiema wojnami.” [Polish music between two wars]. Muzyka 23 no. 3 (1978): 17-34.
- Helman, Zofia. Neoklasycyzm w muzyce polskiej XX wieku. [Neoclassicism in Polish Music of the 20th Century]. Series: Muzyka polska w dokumentacjach i interpretacjach. Kraków: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1985.
- Holland, Bernard. “Panufnik Argues Case for His Own Music.” The New York Times, December 19, 1989.
- Homma, Martina. “Balancing Precomposition, Inspiration and Rigour in the Late Symphonies by Panufnik,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles. Homma, Martina. “Andrzej Panufnik,” entry in Komponisten der Gegenwart: Loseblatt-Lexikon. Heister, Hanns-Werner and Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer, eds. Munich, 1997.
- Homma, Martina. “Polish Music in the Context of the Festival/Die polnische Musik auf dem Hintergrund des Festivals.” Polish Music / Polnische Musik 24 no. 4 (1989): 28-34.
- Homma, Martina. “Composing Myself–Composing My Style: O Arbor cosmica Andrzeja Panufnika,” in Krystyna Tarnawska-Kaczorowska, ed., Muzyka źle obecna [Music badly present]. Warszawa: Związek Kompozytorów Polskich, 1989, 396-423.
- Heindl, Christian. “Affinities and Differencies in the Musical Style of Andrzej and Roxanna Panufnik,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Jacobson, Bernard.”Panufnik’s Music in the Context of 20th-Century Music,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Jacobson, Bernard. A Polish Renaissance London: Phaidon, 1996.
- Jaraczewska-Mockałło, Krystyna. Andrzej Panufnik: Katalog dzieł i bibliografia [Catalog of Works and Bibliography]. Series: Prace Biblioteki Głównej. no. 21. Warszawa: Akademia Muzyczna im. Fryderyka Chopina, 1997.
- Jarzębska, Alicja. “The Organization of Time in Panufnik’s Music,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Kaczyński, Tadeusz. Andrzej Panufnik i jego muzyka [A. Panufnik and his Music]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1994.
- Kaczyński, Tadeusz. “Inspiracje folklorem w twórczości Andrzeja Panufnika,” [Inspiration with Folklore in the Oeuvre of A. Panufnik], in Inspiracje w muzyce XX wieku: Filozoficzno-literackie, religijne, folklorem. [Inspirations in 20th Century Music: Philosophical-Literary, Religious, with Folklore]. Warszawa: Związek Kompozytorów Polskich, 1993, 198-201.
- Kaczyński, Tadeusz. “Obecnośc Panufnika.” Zeszyty naukowe Kraków: Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, 1986, 193-208.
- Kaczyński, Tadeusz. “Sinfonia votiva – trzy zbliżenia.” Ruch Muzyczny 19 (September 1983): 3-5.
- Kisielewski, Stefan. “Życie muzyczne pod okupacją” [Musical Life During (the Nazi German) Occupation]. Ruch Muzyczny No. 1 (1945).
- Kisielewski, Stefan. “Wspomnienia muzyczne” [Musical Memories]. Tygodnik Powszechny No. 33 and 34 (1949).
- Kostka, Violetta. “Reception of Panufnik’s Music in Great Britain,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Krawczyk, Dorota. “Koncepcje czasu i ich wpływ na kształtowanie formy w polskiej muzyce współczesnej.” Muzyka 40 no. 4 (1995): 113-117.
- Królak, Alicja. “Pitch Organization in Panufnik’s Concertos,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Lissa, Zofia. “Główne nurty stylistyczne w muzyce polskiej 1944-1974.” Muzyka 20 no. 3 (1975): 5-15.
- Maciejewski, Bogusław. Twelve Polish Composers. London: Allegro Press, 1976.
- MacDonald, Calum. “Panufnik’s Later Symphonic Production,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- MacDonald, Calum. “O muzyce Andrzeja Panufnika.” [About the Music of A. Panufnik]. Ruch Muzyczny 20 (October 1983): 3-7, 11.
- MacDonald Calum. “Recordings.” Tempo no. 99 (April 1972): 31-34.
- Maklakiewicz, Jan. “Kompozytorskie orlęta z Warszawy” [Compositional Eaglets From Warsaw]. Kurier Poranny, 11 April 1936.
- Markowska, Elżbieta, ed. “Andrzej Panufnik at the Warsaw Autumn Festival.” Polish Music No. 4 (1990). Trans. Christiana Cenkalska.
- Mitzner, Zbigniew. “Dwa listy (sprawa Panufnika)” [Two letters (The Case of Panufnik)]. Świat no. 37 (1954).
- Mycielski, Zygmunt. “I Symfonia Panufnika” [Panufnik’s First Symphony]. Ruch Muzyczny no. 6 (1945).
- Mycielski, Zygmunt. “Panufnik – 5 Pieśni Ludowych” [Panufnik – 5 Folk Songs]. Ruch Muzyczny no. 13/14 (1946).
- Mycielski, Zygmunt. “Na krańcach dyscypliny: Universal Prayer Andrzeja Panufnika.” [At the Ends of Discipline: Universal Prayer by A.P.]. Ruch Muzyczny No. 21 (1977).
- Nikolskaja, Irina. “Stil’ soversennyh proporcij.” Sovetskaja muzyka no. 3 (March 1991): 48-51.
- Nowak, Anna. Współczesny koncert polski: Przemiany gatunku [Contemporary Polish Concerto: Transformation of the Genre]. Series: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Akademii Muzycznej im. Feliksa Nowowiejskiego w Bydgoszczy. no. 12. Bydgoszcz: Akademia Muzyczna im. Feliksa Nowowiejskiego, 1997.
- Osborne, Nigel. “Panufnik at 70.” Tempo no. 150 (September 1984): 2-10. Reprinted as “Siedemdziesięciolecie Panufnika” in Res Publica no. 2 (1989).
- Paja-Stach, Jadwiga, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Paja-Stach, Jadwiga. “Panufnik’s Piano Music,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Andrzej Panufnik. Battley Brothers Pr., 1980.
- Panufnik, Camilla Jessel. “Andrzej Panufnik: Works.” Annotated List of Works on Sir Andrzej Panufnik’s web site. London, 2001.
- Panufnik, Camilla Jessel. “Sir Andrzej Panufnik: Biography.” On Sir Andrzej Panufnik’s web site. London, 2001.
- Panufnik, Camilla. “Andrzej Panufnik’s Lifestyle and Daily Routine,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Panufnik, Scarlett. Out of the City of Fear. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1956.
- Piotrowska, Anna. “National Identity of the Emigré composer: The Case of Panufnik,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Pociej, Bohdan. “Odejście Andrzeja Panufnika. Notatki o muzyce.” Tygodnik Powszechny no. 47 (1991).
- Pociej, Bohdan. “Opus pośmiertne Andrzeja Panufnika” [Posthumous Opus of A.P.]. Ruch Muzyczny no. 3 (1992).
- “Sir Andrzej Panufnik (1914-1991).” Tempo: A Quarterly Review of Modern Music no. 179 (December 1991): 21.
- Rae, Charles Bodman. “The Role of the Major-minor Chord in Panufnik’s Compositional Technique,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Robinson, Ray. “Reception of Panufnik’s Music in the U.S.,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Saunders, Frances Stonor. The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters. New York: The New Press, 2000. First published in 1999 by Granta (UK) as Who Paid the Piper? .
- Siemdaj, Ewa. “Panufnik’s Symphonies. The Evolution of the Composer’s Style,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Siemdaj, Ewa. “Pomiędzy uczuciem a intelektem: Geneza autoreflekcji muzycznej Andrzeja Panufnika,” in Muzyka polska 1945-1995: Materiały sesji naukowej 6-10 grudnia 1995 w 20-lecie Zakładu Analizy i Interpretacji Muzyki. Kraków: Akademia Muzyczna, 1996, 175-182.
- Sitarz, Andrzej. “Elaboration of Janiewicz’s Trios in Panufnik’s Music,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Skowron, Zbigniew. “The Artistic Attitude of the Composer, his Aesthetics and Views,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Smoleńska, Barbara. “Concerto festivo Andrzeja Panufnika.” Ruch Muzyczny no. 20 (1984).
- Suchowiejko, Renata. “Panufnik’s Chamber Music,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Sutcliffe, James Helme. “Panufnik: Poland’s Musical Citizen of the World.” International Herald Tribune (September 27, 1989).
- Szopski, Felicjan. “Popis Konserwatorium.” [A Display of the Conservatory]. Kurier Warszawski (June 18, 1936).
- Thomas, Adrian. “Reception of Panufnik’s Music after World War II (1945-56),” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Tomaszewski, Mieczysław. “Sonoristische Expressivitat und symbolische Deutung: Polnische Sinfonie 1944-1994,” in Musikgeschichte zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa: Symphonik. Musiksammlungen Sankt Augustin: Academia, 1997, 193-216.
- Trochimczyk, Maja. “Religious Themes and Inspirations in Panufnik’s Music,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Truscott, Harold. “The Symphonies of Andrzej Panufnik.” The Musical Times 130 no. 1757 (July 1989): 390-393.
- Truscott, Harold. “The Achievement of Andrzej Panufnik.” Tempo: A Quarterly Review of Modern Music no. 163 (December 1987): 7-12.
- Wilson, Conrad. “Panufnik Conjures up his Arboreal Magic.” The Scotsman (November 13, 1989).
- Woźna-Stankiewicz, Małgorzata. “Reception of Panufnik’s Music in Poland,” in Jadwiga Paja-Stach, ed. Andrzej Panufnik’s Music and its Reception. Proceedings of the International Andrzej Panufnik Conference (Kraków, Poland, November 23-25, 2001). Polish version forthcoming from Musica Iagellonica. English version forthcoming from the Polish Music Center, Los Angeles.
- Zieliński, Tadeusz. “Sinfonia di sfere Andrzeja Panufnika.” Ruch Muzyczny 28 no. 20 (September 1984): 13-15. .