Winners of the 2021 “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta” Composition Competition

The results of the 7th International “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta” Composers Competition have been announced. The subject of this year’s Competition was to compose a piece entitled “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta” for string orchestra and theremin obbligato.  The Jury of the Competition consisted of: Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa – chairwoman, Eugeniusz Knapik, Marcel Chyrzyński and Jurek Dybał.This year, the…Continue Reading Winners of the 2021 “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta” Composition Competition

Premieres by Lutosławski Quartet at NFM

The Lutosławski Quartet performed at the National Forum of Music in Wrocław on 24 June 2021. Their program included works that have entered the canon of contemporary classical music, as well as premieres of two pieces by Polish artists. The concert featured the premieres of works by the musicians of the Lutosławski Quartet: String Quartet…Continue Reading Premieres by Lutosławski Quartet at NFM

2021 Malta Festival in Poznań 

The 31st edition of Malta Festival Poznań will be held on June 18-29, 2021 under the motto “Back to the Ground”. After months of confinement and living primarily in the virtual world, the artists are returning to the roots. They will once again come together to celebrate art in real life, in urban space, outdoors…Continue Reading 2021 Malta Festival in Poznań 

Chyrzyński Around the World

Marcel Chyrzyński—a noted composer and member of the Polish Composers’ Union [ZKP] – Kraków branch—has also been closely associated with the Polish Music Center since his Paderewski Lecture-Recital concert at USC in October of 2017, which included a monographic concert program of his latest compositions. The program was presented by the Cracow Duo, assisted by…Continue Reading Chyrzyński Around the World

Symphony for the planet – Paweł Pudło’s “Elements”

Almost 300 people involved, over 9 years of work, dozens of instruments made of rubbish…this is just the beginning of a long list that enabled the implementation of one idea: demonstrating human impact on the environment. On 22 April 2021, International Earth Day, the album Elements—Polish composer Paweł Pudło‘s modern story about humanity and different elements of nature—was…Continue Reading Symphony for the planet – Paweł Pudło’s “Elements”

2021 Kraków International Festival of Composers

The Kraków International Festival of Composers has been part the cultural life of the city since 1989 (formerly known as the Days of Music by Kraków Composers and, from 2014-2019, the International Festival of Kraków Composers). The main purpose of the Festival is the promotion and presentation of contemporary professional work of Kraków composers—classics and…Continue Reading 2021 Kraków International Festival of Composers

9th Festival of Premieres “Polish Modern Music” Program

  “Usually hidden behind their sounds, giving the floor to the performers of their works, during the Festival of Premieres composers are in the center of attention. Celebrating their creativity and courage to confront us with habits, to provoke, challenge and surprise us” – emphasizes Ewa Bogusz-Moor. In 2021, the Festival of Premieres will be…Continue Reading 9th Festival of Premieres “Polish Modern Music” Program

Online Premiere of “Job” by Krzesimir Dębski, text by Karol Wojtyła

On 25 April 2021 at 7.00 p.m. the world premiere of Krzesimir Dębski‘s Job—an opera based on Karol Wojtyła’s drama—will be held online through the YouTube channel of the Polish Royal Opera. “I myself wrote a new drama with Greek form, Christian spirit, eternal content […]. A drama about suffering: Job”. This is how the…Continue Reading Online Premiere of “Job” by Krzesimir Dębski, text by Karol Wojtyła

Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition: Premieres & Winners

The final concert of the 1st Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition was held on Friday, 19 March 2021 at 7.00 p.m. CET, and broadcast via the Szczecin Philharmonic Facebook and YouTube channels. Open to composers of all ages and nationalities, the subject of the Competition was a composition for symphonic orchestra of a duration between 9-12 minutes….Continue Reading Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition: Premieres & Winners

Preview of Opałka’s Party Crasher

A teaser for the new electroacoustic work by Tomasz Jakub Opałka, entitled Party Crasher, is now up online. It features performances on the cello by Magdalena Bojanowicz-Koziak and the composer on synths, percussion, and trombone. Headphones or a good sound system are recommended for listening, because of the very interesting and loud low frequencies in…Continue Reading Preview of Opałka’s Party Crasher