Anderszewski Wins 2021 Gramophone Award

JS Bach Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2 (Excerpts) Piotr Anderszewski, piano Warner Classics (January 2021) Polish pianist, and former USC Thornton School of Music student, Piotr Anderszewski is regarded as one of the outstanding musicians of his generation. Since 2000, Anderszewski has been an exclusive artist with the Warner Classics/Erato label (previously Virgin Classics). His first…Continue Reading Anderszewski Wins 2021 Gramophone Award

Chylińska Triumphant!

On June 20th of this year, Polish musicologist Teresa Chylińska celebrated her 90th birthday. This extraordinary individual and a dynamic force par excellence in the research of Karol Szymanowski’s life has been a distinguished author, a highly accomplished editor and a great expert of modern music in Poland. Tributes to this world class scholar came…Continue Reading Chylińska Triumphant!

Winners of the 2021 “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta” Composition Competition

The results of the 7th International “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta” Composers Competition have been announced. The subject of this year’s Competition was to compose a piece entitled “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta” for string orchestra and theremin obbligato.  The Jury of the Competition consisted of: Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa – chairwoman, Eugeniusz Knapik, Marcel Chyrzyński and Jurek Dybał.This year, the…Continue Reading Winners of the 2021 “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta” Composition Competition

2021 Polish Composers’ Union Awards

zwiazek kompozytorow polskich ZKP

On 17 March 2021 the Presidium of the Main Board of the Polish Composers’ Union (ZPK) awarded the Award of the Polish Composers’ Union for merits in the field of music education, as well as this year’s Honorary Award of the Polish Composers’ Union for contribution to the promotion of Polish music. This year’s Honorary…Continue Reading 2021 Polish Composers’ Union Awards

Michał Balas has received the title of “Cello Individuality 2021”

Michał Balas, a student of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź, is the winner of the 1st Polish National Dominik Połoński Cello Competition, which ended on 28 March 2021. The young cellist delighted the jurors with his sincerity, great virtuosity and playing finesse. Michał Balas received the title of “Cello Individuality 2021” as…Continue Reading Michał Balas has received the title of “Cello Individuality 2021”

Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition: Premieres & Winners

The final concert of the 1st Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition was held on Friday, 19 March 2021 at 7.00 p.m. CET, and broadcast via the Szczecin Philharmonic Facebook and YouTube channels. Open to composers of all ages and nationalities, the subject of the Competition was a composition for symphonic orchestra of a duration between 9-12 minutes….Continue Reading Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition: Premieres & Winners

Hieronim Feicht Competition 2020 Results

On 18 March 2021, the Jury of the Professor Hieronim Feicht Competition for the Best Doctoral Dissertation awarded the authors of works in the field of musicology and music theory. The annual Competition is open to musicologists and music theorists who are under 40 on the day of submitting their work. The aim of the…Continue Reading Hieronim Feicht Competition 2020 Results

Stuttgart Composition Prize for Laskowski

In 2021, Mikołaj Laskowski received the 66th Composition Prize of the City of Stuttgart, which is a joint initiative of SWR radio, the ECLAT festival, and the city of Stuttgart. The city of Stuttgart has been awarding a composition prize every year since 1955. This year, 86 participants submitted a total of 151 works for…Continue Reading Stuttgart Composition Prize for Laskowski

2021 Fryderyk Award Nominations

America has had its Grammy Awards since 1959, when the first gala ceremony was held and, in 1995, Poland followed this fine example by instituting its own the Fryderyk Awards. Just like in America—where the Recording Academy recognizes the best achievements in the music industry— for the past twenty-six years Poland’s Recording Academy (known as…Continue Reading 2021 Fryderyk Award Nominations