Premieres By Zalewski & Przybylski

On February 18, the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw will hold a concert of Premieres of New Music. At the event, II Koncert kameralny. Pamięci zniknionego by Ignacy Zalewski will be performed for the first time. Written in 2017 for the Hashtag Ensemble, Zalewski’s composition consists of three movements meant to be played without any breaks in between…Continue Reading Premieres By Zalewski & Przybylski

Ptaszyńska World Premiere

On March 16, the world premiere of Missa Solemnis ad Honorem Sancti Joannis Pauli II by Marta Ptaszyńska took place in Warsaw, in celebration of the 200th anniversary of Warsaw University (now called the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music). The composition, as indicated in the title, was inspired by Pope John Paul II’s book entitled Meditations. Ptaszyńska masterfully incorporated specific texts in…Continue Reading Ptaszyńska World Premiere

Mykietyn World Premiere

On March 10, the premiere of Paweł Mykietyn’s String Quartet No. 3 took place at the National Music Forum in Wrocław, Poland. The piece was composed for the Lutosławski Quartet (Bartosz Woroch and Marcin Markowicz, violins; Artur Rozmysłowicz, viola; Maciej Młodawski, cello), who have successfully performed and recorded Mykietyn’s previous string quartet. The ensemble presented…Continue Reading Mykietyn World Premiere

Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska Premiere

On April 3 a new work by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska—entitled Dziadek przyjdzie [Grandfather Comes], written to the words of Maria Konopnicka—will be given. Held at the I. J. Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań, the concert will be performed by the ‘Skowronki’ Girls’ Choir, under the direction of Alicja Szeluga. [Source:]…Continue Reading Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska Premiere

Panufnik Premiered in Spain

The Spanish premiere of Andrzej Panufnik’s Lullaby [Cación de cuna] will be performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Galicia and conducted by Maestro Antoni Wit in Santiago de Compostela this month. The program also consists of Karlowicz’s Violin Concerto in A Major as well as Dvora’s Sinfonia No.8 in G Major for violin, which will be performed by…Continue Reading Panufnik Premiered in Spain

Premieres – January 2016

Penderecki Premiere In Gdańsk The project “Penderecki – a cappella” was initiated by the Polish Chamber Choir in 2011, when they began their exploration of the wonderful contemporary choral works of Krzysztof Penderecki. On January 30, 2016, the choir presented a Monographic Concert of Krzysztof Penderecki, during which ten of his works were performed by the choir under…Continue Reading Premieres – January 2016

Lutosławski Premiere at ‘Chain VIII’ Festival

The Witold Lutosławski Festival “Chain XIII” will be held from January 31 – February 13, 2016 in the concert halls of the National Philharmonic and Polish Radio Lutosławski Studioin Warsaw. Under the theme of “the musical friendships of Witold Lutosławski,” the Festival will be presented in five symphonic and chamber music programs, featuring great musicians from Poland and abroad and…Continue Reading Lutosławski Premiere at ‘Chain VIII’ Festival

Polish Premieres at Disney Hall

On January 19, the LA Phil New Music Group presents a program of premieres entitled “Contemporary Poland” at Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles. Led by maestro Łukasz Borowicz, the ensemble will be joined by soloists Burt Hara, clarinet and Agata Zubel, soprano. The 8:00 p.m. concert will be preceded by Upbeat Live, a pre-concert talk with…Continue Reading Polish Premieres at Disney Hall

2015 in Review – Premieres

The late Henryk Mikołaj Górecki’s Symphony No. 4 “Tansman Episody”— the final version was orchestrated by Górecki’s son, Mikolaj Górecki—had its US Premiere on Jan 16-18, 2015 by the Los Angeles Philharmonic at Walt Disney Concert Hall, led by maestro Andrey Boreyko with violin soloist Nikolaj Znaider. The World Premiere of Górecki’s Symphony No. 4 was performed by the London…Continue Reading 2015 in Review – Premieres

Komorowski Premieres at the 25th Portraits of Composers

The Polish Composers’ Union (ZKP) will celebrate its 70th anniversary with its annual concert series, Portraits of Composers. The event will be hosted at the Mazovia Institute of Culture, whom has also co-organized the event for several years now. The program includes works by two contemporary Polish composers – Piotr Komorowski and Sławomir Zamuszko, both…Continue Reading Komorowski Premieres at the 25th Portraits of Composers