Premiere of Katarzyna Kwiecień Długosz’s Ad Fontes

The work Ad Fontes, written especially for the Gdańsk carillons by Katarzyna Kwiecień-Długosz, was premiered online on 24 April as part of the “Weekly Carillon Concerts.” The concert is available to view at, as well as an interview with the composer and discussion of the carillons of Gdańsk here. This latest piece by Katarzyna Kwiecień-Długosz, completed…Continue Reading Premiere of Katarzyna Kwiecień Długosz’s Ad Fontes

Online Premiere: Tansman’s Piano Concerto No. 1

On 30 March, the Artur Rubinstein Philharmonic in Łódź hosted the online premiere of Piano Concerto No. 1 by Aleksander Tansman, performed by Julia Kociuban and the Łódź Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Paweł Przytocki. The recording will be available on SoundCloud. The recording comes from the album Bacewicz. Tansman. Piano Concertos (DUX 1612), which was nominated for a Fryderyk award. This recording…Continue Reading Online Premiere: Tansman’s Piano Concerto No. 1

Premiere of the new work by Piotr Moss

The world premiere of According to Memling – a concert for flute, organ and orchestra by Piotr Moss -will take place on 28 February at the Polish Baltic Frédéric Chopin Philharmonic in Gdańsk during the concert entitled “Program and Absolute Music”. Inspired by the Last Judgment triptych created by the Dutch painter Hans Memling and…Continue Reading Premiere of the new work by Piotr Moss

Premiere of “Aisthetikos” by Hanna Kulenty

The world premiere of Hanna Kulenty’s Aisthetikos for soprano saxophone, piano and orchestra took place on 21 February at the Oskar Kolberg Świętokrzyska Philharmonic. The title comes from the Greek language, and its meaning pertains to sense perception. In her latest composition, Hanna Kulenty took into account all senses, creating a surreal universe that organizes…Continue Reading Premiere of “Aisthetikos” by Hanna Kulenty

Premieres of Works by Nowak & Sikora, Album of Twardowski

Aleksander Nowak’s Drach The world premiere of Aleksander Nowak’s Drach. Dramma per musica was performed on October 4-6 at the Auksodrone Festival in Tychy, Poland. Set to a libretto by Szczepan Twardoch, each act of this three-act work was performed on a different night of the festival, and on October 5, audiences were treated to a panel with…Continue Reading Premieres of Works by Nowak & Sikora, Album of Twardowski

Premieres of Two Works by Łukaszewski

Collegium Musicale, an Estonian chamber choir, performed premieres of two works by Polish composer Paweł Łukaszewski at the Arvo Pärt Centre in Estonia and EUFONIE Festival in Warsaw in November 2019. On November 1, Collegium Musicale performed at the Arvo Pärt Centre with a program of both Estonian and Polish music, including works by Arvo Pärt,…Continue Reading Premieres of Two Works by Łukaszewski

Ptaszyńska Premiere by Cracow Duo

Double Concerto for piano, cello, and orchestra by Marta Ptaszyńska will have its premiere on November 22 at the Polish Aviation Museum in Kraków. Soloists Jan Kalinowski (cello) and Marek Szlezer (piano)—known jointly as the Cracow Duo—will be joined by the Kraków Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Paweł Kapuła. The program also includes Mieczysław Weinberg’s Polish Melodies,…Continue Reading Ptaszyńska Premiere by Cracow Duo

Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Outbreak of World War II

Two concerts commemorating the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II took place on 1 September. At Warsaw’s New Theater, Lidia Zielińska’s composition I don’t like it for ensemble, electronics and choir of young amateurs (2018/2019) was premiered. The work includes sung and recited texts illustrating the escalation of aggression to war from…Continue Reading Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Outbreak of World War II

Premiere of Polish Landscape by Les Femmes

The premiere of the new album Polish Landscape by the ensemble Les Femmes took place on 8 September at the St. I. Witkiewicz Theatre in Zakopane as part of the Music on the Heights Festival.The album is an anthology of Polish vocal lyrics from the last 150 years that speak to the experiences and emotions…Continue Reading Premiere of Polish Landscape by Les Femmes

World premiere and anniversary of Piotr Moss

The 6th International Cello Academy celebrated composer Piotr Moss‘s 70th birthday and 50th anniversary of artistic work with a concert at the National Forum of Music in Wrocław on 21 July. The International Cello Academy [Międzynarodowa Akademia Wiolonczelowa] features concerts and workshops by and for cellists from around the world, covering a wide repertoire from…Continue Reading World premiere and anniversary of Piotr Moss