Ptaszyńska Back in Chicago

Marta Ptaszyńska, distinguished Polish composer and Helen B. and Frank L. Sulzberger Professor Emerita at the University of Chicago, will return to the UChicago campus on April 10 as a featured speaker for the Robert and Anne Gomer Lecture series. Titled “Imaginary Landscapes—Music of Marta Ptaszyńska,” the composer will discuss her most recent large scale…Continue Reading Ptaszyńska Back in Chicago

Lecture: Karol Rathaus and His Work in Europe and the US

On Friday at noontime, Dr. Mateusz Strzelecki—violinist and scholar from the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland—will present a fascinating lecture at USC on the composer Karol Rathaus (1895-1954). Born to a Jewish family in the formerly Polish city of Ternopol, Rathaus gained great popularity in Germany and Austria during the 1930s yet is little…Continue Reading Lecture: Karol Rathaus and His Work in Europe and the US

Marta Ptaszyńska – ‘First Woman Composer’ Lecture

This Sunday at St. Faustina’s Sanctuary in Warsaw, Polish composer Marta Ptaszyńska will present a lecture on Hildegarde von Bingen, entitled “The First Woman Composer.” In her many years of creative and teaching work—as the endowed Helen B. & Frank L. Sulzberger Professor of Composition at the University of Chicago since 2005, among other universities—Ptaszyńska…Continue Reading Marta Ptaszyńska – ‘First Woman Composer’ Lecture

Earth Singing Project with Katarzyna Sadej

On Wednesday March 22nd, mezzo-soprano Katarzyna Sadej will be at USC as a guest speaker in collaboration with USC Levan Institute for the Humanities’ “Sound In Sacred Spaces” series. As a speaker for this, Sadej will be presenting her Earth Singing Project, a project in which she records herself singing live in natural landscapes to…Continue Reading Earth Singing Project with Katarzyna Sadej

2020 Paderewski Lecture with Krzysztof Meyer: Lecture Transcript

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 Paderewski Lecture was conducted as an interview via Zoom on 22 August 2020, and broadcast to the worldwide public via USC ThorntonLIVE on 10 October 2020. The interview, transcribed below, features composer Krzysztof Meyer (KM) and his wife, musicologist Danuta Gwizdalanka (DG), in conversation with PMC director Marek…Continue Reading 2020 Paderewski Lecture with Krzysztof Meyer: Lecture Transcript

Open Session of the Polish Society for Music Analysis: Feliks Nowowiejski and Fryderyk Chopin

On 27 April 2021 at 12.00 p.m., the Polish Society for Music Analysis (PTAM) will host an open online meeting presenting the results of current research on the works of Feliks Nowowiejski and Fryderyk Chopin. PTAM aims to integrate the community of musicologists, theorists, composers, and performers, around the broadly understood understanding and scientific interpretation…Continue Reading Open Session of the Polish Society for Music Analysis: Feliks Nowowiejski and Fryderyk Chopin

“Trombone in the 20th and 21st Century Polish Music” Conference

The International Conference “Trombone in the 20th and 21st Century Polish Music – Inspirations and Perspectives“ will take place at the Academy of Music in Łódź on 9-10 April 2021. All lectures, concerts, and master classes with foreign guests will be held online; the recordings will be made available on the Academy’s YouTube channel. The conference was…Continue Reading “Trombone in the 20th and 21st Century Polish Music” Conference

Online Lecture on Polish Jewish Music by Prof. Halina Goldberg

The ongoing “Distinguished Lectures” series is being offered by the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. During 2021, the lectures will be inspired by the opening of the Legacy Gallery, which is an extension of the Core Exhibition of the POLIN Museum. The Legacy Gallery explores the contributions of Polish Jews…Continue Reading Online Lecture on Polish Jewish Music by Prof. Halina Goldberg

Virtual Lecture – Forbidden Music: The Forgotten Composers Of The Interwar Period

Daniel Vnukowski

On December 2, pianist Daniel Vnukowski presents a virtual lecture recital with musical examples on the topic of exiled composers for the University of Rochester. The Holocaust had permanently tarnished the lives of countless musicians who endured unfathomable pain under the despotic Nazi regime. Many were forced to flee their homes in the hopes of…Continue Reading Virtual Lecture – Forbidden Music: The Forgotten Composers Of The Interwar Period

Virtual Lecture: “Music and Resilience in Early Postwar Poland”

CREES 2020

A virtual lecture entitled “Music and Resilience in Early Postwar Poland” will be presented by Mackenzie Pierce, assistant professor of musicology at the University of Michigan, on October 28. This event is hosted by U-M’s Center for Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies (CREES) in the ‘CREES Noon Lecture’ series. Registration for this Zoom webinar…Continue Reading Virtual Lecture: “Music and Resilience in Early Postwar Poland”