Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition: Premieres & Winners

The final concert of the 1st Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition was held on Friday, 19 March 2021 at 7.00 p.m. CET, and broadcast via the Szczecin Philharmonic Facebook and YouTube channels. Open to composers of all ages and nationalities, the subject of the Competition was a composition for symphonic orchestra of a duration between 9-12 minutes….Continue Reading Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition: Premieres & Winners

2nd Moniuszko Int’l Competition of Polish Music

The second edition of the Stanisław Moniuszko International Competition of Polish Music will be held between 11 and 18 September 2021. The juries will be headed by Jarosław Drzewiecki and Andrzej Tatarski. Musicians of any age or nationality are encouraged to apply in two categories—pianist/soloist and chamber ensembles. Applications may be submitted until 14 May…Continue Reading 2nd Moniuszko Int’l Competition of Polish Music

Online Piano Academy

The Kosciuszko Foundation in New York City will conduct an Online Piano Academy February 26-28, 2021. Open to all aspiring artists under the age of 30, the academy’s students will have an opportunity to work with distinguished pianists, as well as laureates and jurors of international piano competitions, including Piotr Paleczny, Krzysztof Jabłoński, Ewa Pobłocka,…Continue Reading Online Piano Academy

4th Krzysztof Penderecki International Competition for Young Composers

The Kraków Branch of the Polish Composers’ Union (ZKP) announces 4th Krzysztof Penderecki International Competition for Young Composers. The subject of the competition is a composition for chamber orchestra with a duration of 9 to 12 minutes.  Composers from every country, who will be 35 or younger at the moment of its closing, can take…Continue Reading 4th Krzysztof Penderecki International Competition for Young Composers

2020 Int’l Moniuszko Competition of Polish Music 

The Institute of Music and Dance [IMiT] has announced the 2nd edition of the Stanisław Moniuszko International Polish Music Competition in Rzeszów. This Competition promotes the achievements of Polish music in the 19th and 20th centuries, which have been forgotten or are less popular in concert practice, and highlights newly discovered works and the unjustly…Continue Reading 2020 Int’l Moniuszko Competition of Polish Music 

6th Int’l Composition Competition “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta: Hommage à Krzysztof Penderecki”

The 6th International Composition Competition “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta: Hommage à Krzysztof Penderecki” has been settled and winners have been selected. Sinfonietta Cracovia—the Orchestra of the Royal Capital City of Krakow—announced its 6th International Composition Competition as dedicated to the memory of Maestro Krzysztof Penderecki, who has been associated with the ensemble since the very beginning. The Competition…Continue Reading 6th Int’l Composition Competition “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta: Hommage à Krzysztof Penderecki”

“Space for young composers” H.M. Górecki Int’l Composers’ Competition

2020 marks the 10th anniversary of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki‘s death. To commemorate the composer and give young artists an opportunity to present and promote their works, the Silesian Philharmonic is launching a composing competition named after its patron, combined with this year’s 8th edition of the International Days of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki. The subject of…Continue Reading “Space for young composers” H.M. Górecki Int’l Composers’ Competition

Wieniawski Competition Goes Online!

Due to the current pandemic-related restrictions and widespread limits on public gatherings, the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York City will hold its Wieniawski Violin Competition online this time around. Established in 1969, the Competition aims to encourage aspiring young violinist to study Polish violin repertoire with special emphasis on the virtuoso works by Henryk Wieniawski…Continue Reading Wieniawski Competition Goes Online!

17th Tadeusz Ochlewski Composition Competition for string quartet

In the year of its 75th anniversary, PWM Edition announces the 17th Tadeusz Ochlewski Composition Competition for string quartet. The deadline for submitting entries is 23 October 2020. The competition is for young composers with Polish citizenship who are under 30 years of age by 23 October 2020. The works will be evaluated by the…Continue Reading 17th Tadeusz Ochlewski Composition Competition for string quartet

11th Zygmunt Mycielski Composition Competition

The Youth Circle of the Polish Composers’ Union (ZKP) invites young artists to participate in the 11th Zygmunt Mycielski Composition Competition. Participants must be under 30 years of age and compose a work for the Kompopolex Ensemble composed of viola, accordion, drums, and synthesizers. The duration of the work should be between 8 and 12…Continue Reading 11th Zygmunt Mycielski Composition Competition