New Bacewicz Bio by Sendłak

Review by Marek Zebrowski Joanna Sendłak, granddaughter of composer Grażyna Bacewicz, is the author of the latest biography in the PWM “Małe monografie” series. A visual artist with a considerable resume of exhibitions as well as journalist and writer with a number of publications, Joanna Sendłak also studied philosophy at Warsaw University. Ms. Sendłak has…Continue Reading New Bacewicz Bio by Sendłak

PMC in 2021 and beyond…

Polish Music Center logo

Dear Friends of Polish Music, First of all, we would like to extend our best wishes to you and your family in these admittedly trying times. Although we’ve experienced many difficulties and challenges posed by the pandemic that is still around us, we are quite certain of better times ahead. Your sustained support gave us…Continue Reading PMC in 2021 and beyond…

Chopin & Friends Finale – Polaczyk & Jabri Premieres

The 23rd Chopin & Friends Festival concluded in New York City with a November 19 finale concert at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland. The two- and half-hour evening featured world premieres of works by Jakub Polaczyk – Ginkyo-ya: Pendula in memoriam K. Penderecki for String Quartet (2021) and Zaid Jabri – Prelude…Continue Reading Chopin & Friends Finale – Polaczyk & Jabri Premieres

“Online Meetings at the Composers’ Union” – Zygmunt Mycielski


On 16 December 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Central European Time, the Polish Composers’ Union (ZKP) will host an online meeting devoted to the life and work of Zygmunt Mycielski (1907–1987). Zygmunt Mycielski – composer, writer and music activist – studied at the École Normale de Musique in Paris with Paul Dukas and Nadia Boulanger (Mycielski…Continue Reading “Online Meetings at the Composers’ Union” – Zygmunt Mycielski

‘Rubinstein in Memoriam’ Competition Winners

On December 10, winners of the 12th International Competition for Young Pianists—Artur Rubinstein in Memoriam in Bydgoszcz were announced. The First Prize and 30,000 PLN (about $7500) award went to Polish pianist Mateusz Krzyżański. Serbian pianist Vladimir Arcimovic was the Second Prize Winner, with the Third Prize given to Hyo Lee from Korea. Other finalists…Continue Reading ‘Rubinstein in Memoriam’ Competition Winners

New Music Premieres in Katowice

The National Symphony Polish Radio Orchestra Hall (NOSPR) will host the Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej [New Music Orchestra] in a December 19 concert of world premieres at NOSPR Hall in Katowice. The works to have their world premiere on this program are Dariusz Przybylski‘s Chamber Symphony, Dobromiła Jaskot‘s Magammahm and Paweł Hendrich‘s Piano Concerto ‘Phantomaticon,’ with pianist Ignacy Lisiecki as the…Continue Reading New Music Premieres in Katowice

Krauze’s Diamond Anniversary & Premiere

The Polish Radio Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio in Warsaw will be the site of celebrations for Zygmunt Krauze’s 60th anniversary of work as a composer. Scheduled for December 16, the concert—entitled “Tren”—will feature a selection of works by the distinguished laureate in performance by the Lutosławski Piano Duo (Emilia Karolina Sitarz and Bartek Wąsik) as…Continue Reading Krauze’s Diamond Anniversary & Premiere

If Music Be the Food of Love… A Tribute to Joanna Bruzdowicz

Joanna Bruzdowicz

By Marek Zebrowski With great sadness we announce the sudden passing of Joanna Bruzdowicz on November 3, 2021 at her home in the French Pyrenees. She was 78. Born in Warsaw on 17 May 1943, Joanna Bruzdowicz was a child prodigy, who began to compose at the age of six. She studied composition with Kazimierz…Continue Reading If Music Be the Food of Love… A Tribute to Joanna Bruzdowicz

Kulenty World Premiere by Sinfonia Iuventus

The fundamental mission of the Jerzy Semkow Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra is to promote Polish historical and contemporary music. The ensemble finds great joy and satisfaction in participating in first performances of musical pieces. The upcoming concert on October 30 at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in the Mokotów suburb of Warsaw is…Continue Reading Kulenty World Premiere by Sinfonia Iuventus

PCMA/SPMK Autumn Offerings

Women in Music The Polish Chamber Musicians’ Association [PCMA, or SPMK in Polish] organized their first international festival promoting women composers and their work. It was an online event, taking place on October 4-5 and 11-12 and broadcast on the SPMK YouTube channel. The Festival focused on presenting works by Grażyna Bacewicz and other Polish women…Continue Reading PCMA/SPMK Autumn Offerings