Cracow Duo in South America

“Kalinowski and Szlezer, friends since childhood, have a wonderfully natural rapport and there is an arresting quality to their playing that gives life to the music”—The Strad  From April 27-29, the Universidade Estadual de Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil hosted the first annual Festival de Musica Polonesa [Polish Music Festival], this year honoring composer Aleksander Tansman…Continue Reading Cracow Duo in South America

Baczewska and Tan Dun in China

Polish pianist Magdalena Baczewska, violinist Sandy Cameron and cellist Zhao Jing will serve as soloists for two concerts in China featuring the music of Chinese composer Tan Dun. The composer will lead the Macau Orchestra in works from his scores for three martial arts movies—Crouching Tiger Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, The Triple Resurrection for Violin, Violoncello, Piano…Continue Reading Baczewska and Tan Dun in China

World Premieres Musica Polonica Nova

The 30th anniversary edition of the Musica Polonica Nova Festival was held between April 8-16, 2016 at the National Forum of Music in Wrocław. The 2016 theme was taken from The Romantic by Adam Mickiewicz: “Faith and love are more discerning than lenses or learning.” The Festival consisted of 11 concerts as well as meetings with composers, journalists and music critics….Continue Reading World Premieres Musica Polonica Nova

World Premieres at ‘New Music’ in Szczeczin

On Friday May 6th, 2016 the Department of Education at the Academy of Arts in Szczecin will host ‘Nowa Muzyka’ [New Music], a multidimensional music meeting combining live performance with music-related art and lecture at the Pałac pod Globusem. This interdisciplinary and interdepartmental project will feature an exhibition of posters compiled under the topic of “New Music” by Professor…Continue Reading World Premieres at ‘New Music’ in Szczeczin

Premieres at Kody Festival

This year’s “KODY” [Codes] Festival of Traditional and Avant-garde Music (May 11-14, 2016) in Lublin, Poland will feature the world premiere performances of two new works by Polish composers who were commissioned by the Festival. First, on May 11, RÊVE RAVE will be performed by the Wojtek Mazolewski Quintet, Halina Przebinda and Kuba Mikurda. This cross-genre performance in three acts…Continue Reading Premieres at Kody Festival

World Premieres at Warsaw Music Encounters

Warsaw Music Encounters (May 7-13, 2016) is an annual festival of early and new music founded and directed by composer Władysław Słowiński since 1986. In accordance with the program formula contained in the Festival’s subheading—”Early Music – New Music”—the Festival presents important early and new music compositions andpromotes the most recent works by contemporary composers, written for the…Continue Reading World Premieres at Warsaw Music Encounters

Adam Golka in Concert

Pianist Adam Golka has a busy and exciting performance schedule around the US during the month of April. Several concerts will feature other Polish musicians as well, and the month will end on a high note with a performance in Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall. See details below. Polish-American pianist Adam Golka was recently selected by Sir…Continue Reading Adam Golka in Concert

In Memory of Karol Mikuli

On April 13, the Austrian Cultural Forum will host a program dedicated to Karol Mikuli, a student of Frederic Chopin. The concert, entitled Karol Mikuli – Forgotten Student of Chopin, a Deserving Citizen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, will feature Mikuli’s own compositions, including Op. 16, 17 and 27, and Serenade in A flat major, Op….Continue Reading In Memory of Karol Mikuli

Muzyka Pod Liberatorem – Lutosławski

In the next installment in the “Muzyka pod Liberatorem” concert series at the Warsaw Rising Museum, soprano Olga Pasiecznik and her sister, pianist Natalia Pasiecznik, will perform compositions for children by Witold Lutosławski on April 14, 2016.  The event will again be hosted by Polish Radio 2’s Barbara Schabowska, who will sit down with Elżbieta Markowska,…Continue Reading Muzyka Pod Liberatorem – Lutosławski

Polish Folklore at Kraków Phil

The Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra and violinist Kamil Skicki conducted by Mateusz Czech will perform a concert Though the Mirror of Music – Kaleidoscope of Folklore which will be held on April 14 and 15, 2016 at the Krakow Philharmonic as a part of the “Musica – Ars Amanda” cycle. “Musica – Ars Amanda” is a series of symphony concerts directed…Continue Reading Polish Folklore at Kraków Phil