Nowowiejski 140th Birth Anniversary

Polish composer, conductor, organist and teacher Feliks Nowowiejski was born 140 years ago on February 7, 1877. To celebrate the anniversary of his birth, the Feliks Nowowiejski Society from Poznań organized a series of events. The celebration was started already on December 18, 2016, with a concert in Aula UAM in Poznań. The repertoire was varied including…Continue Reading Nowowiejski 140th Birth Anniversary

Premieres and Contemporary Choral Music

On February 18, a concert of contemporary music performed by Polish Chamber Choir will take a place in the Evangelical Church in Sopot. The event will open with three pieces awarded at the 2016 MUSICA SACRA NOVA International Composers Competition, which seeks to promote sacred choir music of young composers. The competition held its 13th edition with a…Continue Reading Premieres and Contemporary Choral Music

Gifts to PMC February 2017

Krzysztof Kur, organizer of the “Muzyka Odnaleziona” Festival and the Narodowe Centrum Kultury, just sent us the recording of the December 4, 2016 concert of Polish premieres at the Royal Łazienki Palace in Warsaw. Spotlighting the archival holdings of the PMC, this concert featured selections of American songs and short piano pieces written in Los Angeles by…Continue Reading Gifts to PMC February 2017

Hamon Honored in Paso Robles

Long-time Paderewski Festival Board member and current Board President Marjorie Hamon has been named as the 2017 “Sweet Art” of the Year by Studios on the Park in Paso Robles, CA. The dual objective of the “Sweet Art” designation is to celebrate a Champion of the Arts and to raise funds for Studios on the Park transformational arts education…Continue Reading Hamon Honored in Paso Robles

Exploring the Avant-Garde

On March 25 at 4 p.m., the Polish Music Center presents the gnarwhallaby ensemble in the 2017 Polish Music Spring concert: “Exploring the Avant-Garde.” This concert will uncover various facets of avant-garde expression that have existed throughout contemporary music history in Poland, from the 1950s until today, with a program of such visionary composers as Tadeusz Baird,…Continue Reading Exploring the Avant-Garde

Zebrowski and Hoefs at LA Musical Salon

The L.A. Musical Salon will celebrate their 10th season with their signature Westside dinner-concert series at The Bel-Air in Los Angeles. The first concert “An Evening of Chopin” will take place on February 11, featuring concert pianist, composer and PMC Director Marek Zebrowski with cellist Lars Hoefs, who was a member of the Music Salon’s original Artists in Residence…Continue Reading Zebrowski and Hoefs at LA Musical Salon

Shakespeare at the Bowers Museum

On December 10, 2016, the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana announced the opening of their exclusive exhibition—“As She Liked It: The Shakespearean Roles of Madame Modjeska.” The exhibition pays homage to William Shakespeare on the 400th anniversary of his death by exploring the incredible life of one of his greatest interpreters, the legendary Polish actress Madame Helena…Continue Reading Shakespeare at the Bowers Museum

Consonans Concert

In Polish Catholic tradition, the Christmas spirit is continued throughout the month of January. Following those customs, the CONSONANS ensemble will present a holiday concert at the Chopin Theater in Chicago on January 14. The program will consist of both Polish and American carols and Christmas songs, performed by vocalist Barbara Panecka alongside Consonans ensemble members (Piano…Continue Reading Consonans Concert

Szcześniak/Auguścik Concert in Chicago

On January 21, Mietek Szcześniak will present an evening of light and sunny Brazilian music featured in his newest album entitled “Nierówni” [Unequal/Uneven] at the Holy Trinity Church in Chicago. Alongside special guest and vocalist Grazyna Auguscik (right), the concert will be performed by a specially arranged string quartet (violin – Mark Agnor and David Belden, viola – Loretta Gillespie, cello – Jill…Continue Reading Szcześniak/Auguścik Concert in Chicago

2016 in Review

Anniversaries The Witold Lutosławski Festival “Chain XIII” (January 31 – February 13, 2016) was held in Warsaw, featuring five symphonic and chamber music programs and celebrating the important anniversaries of two great Polish maestros: Jan Krenz (90 years) and Jerzy Maksymiuk (80 years). On February 6, the world premiere of Lutosławski’s Interludesfor oboe and bassoon, which the composer worked on throughout the…Continue Reading 2016 in Review