On January 21, Mietek Szcześniak will present an evening of light and sunny Brazilian music featured in his newest album entitled “Nierówni” [Unequal/Uneven] at the Holy Trinity Church in Chicago. Alongside special guest and vocalist Grazyna Auguscik (right), the concert will be performed by a specially arranged string quartet (violin – Mark Agnor and David Belden, viola – Loretta Gillespie, cello – Jill Kaeding) and other instrumentalists (vocals – Mieczyslaw Szczesniak and Paulinho Garcia, percussion – Geraldo De Oliveira and Heitor Garcia, piano – Leandro Lopez, bass – Jack Zara).
Szcześniak’s album is largely influenced by the poetry of priest Jan Twardowski; it aims to evoke emotions articulated with laughter and crying, as in Twardowski’s poems, as well as the free expression of song and dance. The track “Spoza nas” [From Outside of Us] is a reflection of the poem “Wiersz z banałem w środku” [A Poem with a Ciché Inside] and has become Szcześniak’s most popular radio and greatest hits song. His unparalleled artistic talent represents the most unique and refined aspects of music amongst Polish soloists, and has attributed to his large success.
Saturday, January 21, 2017 | 7:00 p.m.
Szcześniak/Auguścik Concert in Chicago
Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church
1118 N. Noble St, Chicago, IL 60642
Admission: $40
Tickets & Info: brownpapertickets.com
[Source: grazynaauguscik.com, soundsandnotes.org]