PWM has released a new publication about Polish composer Marta Ptaszyńska. Written by Ptaszyńska in collaboration with noted musicologist Iwona Lindsted, Siła intuicji [The Power of Intuition] is the third publication in PWM’s series “Ludzie Świata Muzyki” [People of the World of Music].

Marta Ptaszyńska is a true phenomenon. Few people are able simultaneously to be a composer, teacher and instrumentalist—doing so many things in life requires a remarkable intuition, both in music and in life. Ptaszyńska’s music seamlessly blends all aspects of her life. Thanks to the phenomenon of synesthesia, she perceives colors as she listens and composes music. She also uses this to add a visual layer to her music scores, one of many topics discussed in the new book. Siła intuicji also covers Ptaszyńska artistic and pedagogical career in the United States, as well as her approach to composition, which combines the traditional and modern style.

[Sources: email correspondence, PWM]