We are excited to share that Marek Zebrowski, Director of the USC Polish Music Center, recently appeared in a series of interviews on the Polish Radio program “Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy” [Polish Radio for Abroad]. Conducted in Polish, these interviews offer a rich exploration of some of the PMC’s most recent activities and significant milestones.

A key focus of the interviews is the Henryk Wars Collection at the USC Polish Music Center. This collection, which houses a wealth of materials from the celebrated Polish composer and songwriter Henryk Wars, was recently awarded the UNESCO ‘Memory of the World’ designation. In the interviews, Marek talks about this important recognition, and discusses the immense cultural value of Wars’ work.

Marek also provides an overview of the history and ongoing initiatives of the USC Polish Music Center, emphasizing its role in promoting Polish music and culture. He touches on the importance of events like the Paderewski Festival in Paso Robles, which celebrates the legacy of one of Poland’s most revered musicians and statesmen, and was restarted under the offices of the PMC in 2006. This Festival not only honors Paderewski’s contributions to music but also strengthens cultural ties between Poland and the United States.

The interview is divided into four segments, each featured at the end of four episodes of the podcast “Magazyn Redakcji Polskiej.” Marek’s interviews begin around the 17th minute in each episode.

We invite you to listen to all four parts of the interview through the embedded podcasts below. These interviews provide a unique opportunity to learn more about the vital work of our Center, the significance of the Henryk Wars Collection, and the rich cultural heritage of Poland.