The Orchestra of the Royal Capital City of Krakow—Sinfonietta Cracovia—announces the 6th International Composition Competition “Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta: hommage à Krzysztof Penderecki.”

Aimed at promoting young composers and broadening the repertoire for string orchestra, the competition asks participants to compose an original piece for a string orchestra and percussion (max. ensemble formation 6-5-4-4-1 / perk. 3). Pieces must be 7 to 12 minutes long. The competition is open to all composers of any nationality under 40 years of age. Each participant can submit no more than two compositions. Full details are available at

The application should be submitted online by 30 June 2020 at 11:59 p.m.

The jury consists of Mrs. Elżbieta Penderecka (Honorary Chairwoman), Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa, Eugeniusz Knapik, Marcel Chyrzyński and Jurek Dybał.

The competition prize is a premiere performance of the winning composition during the Sinfonietta Festival in Kraków, including a professional audio-video recording, and other performances of the piece during the 2020/2021 concert season. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Organizer reserves the right to change the form of the Competition’s prize if necessary.

Information about the winners and prize-awarded compositions will be published on the organizer’s website no later than 7 July 2020.
