Educational opportunities for participants in the 2016 Paderewski Festival Youth Cultural Exchange continue to flourish. Thanks to a fruitful relationship with Adam Bala, Director of the Paderewski Polish-Ukrainian Foundation that has developed over the last year, 2016 Exchange students from Ukraine and Poland were invited to participate in piano workshops held February 20-21 at Lviv Conservatory and perform in concert at Lviv Philharmonic’s Chamber Auditorium on February 22, 2016.

Led by pianist Marianna Humetska, Exchange participants Sasha Dzvinkovskiy and Yulia Medynska from the Podolia Region of the Ukraine (Paderewski’s birthplace), and Miłosz Marcinkiewicz and Magdalena Kuropatwa of the Tarnów Region (home of Paderewski’s former estate at Kąśna Dolna) were joined by several of Humetska’s students as well as other regional piano teachers for intensive master classes before they gave a concert at the Lviv Opera House on February 22. Accommodations and meals, sightseeing and other cultural attractions for all participants, including additional students from Poland and Ukraine (Dmitro Avilov, Oleksandra Kiryak, Bohdan Terleckiy and Franciszek Słoniowski) were also generously provided by Mr. Bala and the Polish-Ukrainian Foundation.