Premieres at the “Music in dialogue” Inaugural Concert

The Elżbieta Chojnacka Centre for Contemporary Harpsichord Music in Tarnowskie Góry will launch a new concert series with a concert “Music in dialogue” on July 11, 2021 at the Palace in Rybna. The concerts will feature works that take up the musical dialogue on several levels: instrumental (in terms of timbre, technical and expressive possibilities),…Continue Reading Premieres at the “Music in dialogue” Inaugural Concert

2021 Emanacje Festival

The 9th Emanacje Festival will be held on 4 July – 29 August, 2021 at the Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music in Lusławice. With works performed by outstanding artists, the three strands of this year’s edition will create extraordinary contexts and interesting repertoire compilations. The Polish Radio Amadeus Chamber Orchestra under the baton of…Continue Reading 2021 Emanacje Festival

Premieres by Lutosławski Quartet at NFM

The Lutosławski Quartet performed at the National Forum of Music in Wrocław on 24 June 2021. Their program included works that have entered the canon of contemporary classical music, as well as premieres of two pieces by Polish artists. The concert featured the premieres of works by the musicians of the Lutosławski Quartet: String Quartet…Continue Reading Premieres by Lutosławski Quartet at NFM

Final Concert of the “Music of our times” Program

The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań held their last concert on June 23, 2021 as the final concert of this year’s “Music of our times” program, dedicated to Krzysztof Penderecki. Krzysztof Penderecki, an outstanding Polish composer, greatly supported the nationwide project “Music of Our Times,” seeing it as a source of opportunities…Continue Reading Final Concert of the “Music of our times” Program

2021 ‘Per Musicam Ad Astra’ International Copernicus Choir Festival

The 8th edition of the Mikołaj Kopernik International Choir Festival PER MUSICAM AD ASTRA will be held on June 26-30 in Toruń. It is presented by the Association of Choral Music Lovers “Astrolabium” based in Toruń, in cooperation with the German agency meeting music, and with support from the Toruń City Commune and Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship….Continue Reading 2021 ‘Per Musicam Ad Astra’ International Copernicus Choir Festival

2021 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival


The 2021 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), one of the most important events in this area of creative activities, is being held from 21 June through 27 June. It will include 28 concerts, installations, lectures and workshops, all available online. The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival is the largest showcase of electroacoustic…Continue Reading 2021 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival

2021 Paderewski Festival in Paso Robles: Save the Date

Given the good news regarding vaccination levels and statewide opening in California, the Board of Directors of the Paderewski Festival has decided to plan for an in-person Festival this year. Please save the following dates for your visit in Paso Robles: Friday, November 5 – Sunday, November 7. The Festival will begin with a Chamber…Continue Reading 2021 Paderewski Festival in Paso Robles: Save the Date

“Impresjowizacja” – Instagram as Compositional Forum

The inauguration of the project “Impresjowizacja”, supervised by Polish composer Aleksandra Chmielewska, took place on June 23, 2021 on the Instagram account of the Julian Cochran Foundation. The institution, which has been popularizing classical music since 2016, prepared an innovative challenge for its followers: the first Polish interactive piece written specifically for Instagram! Aleksandra Chmielewska…Continue Reading “Impresjowizacja” – Instagram as Compositional Forum

2021 Summer Music Festival in Płock

The XXIII Summer Music Festival will be held from June 27  to July 4 in Płock, Poland. This year’s edition will feature 4 concerts in historic parts of the city. The Płock Symphony Orchestra (POS) will inaugurate the festival with a concert entitled “Musical Premieres,” featuring the premiere of a composition for violin and symphony…Continue Reading 2021 Summer Music Festival in Płock