Bruzdowicz Memorial Concert

On Saturday, March 12, the Chopin Music University in Warsaw will present a concert entitled “Z bliska i z oddali – In memoriam Joanna Bruzdowicz” [From up close and far away – In memoriam Joanna Bruzdowicz]. The concert program will feature three trios for flute, viola and piano by three Polish women composers—Joanna Bruzdowicz, Anna…Continue Reading Bruzdowicz Memorial Concert

PMC Gifts: February 2022

Musical Messages Praised for their recordings of string quartets by Szymon Laks, Stanisław Moniuszko, Andrzej Panufnik and Krzysztof Penderecki, the Messages String Quartet has yet another exciting release to their credit. Joined by pianist Julia Kociuban, the Messages’ latest album (DUX 1792) features two Piano Quintets by Grażyna Bacewicz and Aleksander Tansman’s Musica a cinque…Continue Reading PMC Gifts: February 2022

Bartosz Koziak: Canti Amadei

DUX label has released a CD of Bartosz Koziak‘s recording of Krzysztof Meyer’s Concerto Canti Amadei Op. 63 for cello and chamber orchestra with Polish Chamber Philharmonic in Sopot. Winner of several international competitions, cellist Bartosz Koziak appeared as soloist with the Polish National Philharmonic Orchestra, Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra Katowice, Sinfonia Varsovia, Sinfonietta Cracovia, Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte…Continue Reading Bartosz Koziak: Canti Amadei

Cracow Duo Back in California

Cracow Duo_fot. Anita Wasik-Plocinska

During the second half of March, the celebrated Cracow Duo—comprised of cellist Jan Kalinowski and pianist Marek Szlezer—returns for a tour of California. The Strad magazine described the ensemble thus: “Kalinowski and Szlezer, friends since childhood, have a wonderfully natural rapport and there is an arresting quality to their playing that gives life to the music”….Continue Reading Cracow Duo Back in California

Orliński Wins ICMA & Performance in L.A.

The newest album by Polish countertenor Jakub Józef Orliński, entitled ‘Anima Æterna’ and recorded on the Erato label, was recently awarded the 2022 International Classical Music Award [ICMA] in the “Baroque Vocal” category. Jakub Józef Orliński has quickly emerged as one of the most vibrant performers on the international classical music scene. Orliński will make…Continue Reading Orliński Wins ICMA & Performance in L.A.