Gifts to the PMC: July 2022

July 2022 was another month of several very important donations to the Polish Music Center. Gifts came from various friends and partners and they will enrich our flagship archive, the PMC Manuscript Collection, as well as our score and sound library holdings. From Marta Ptaszyńska Long-time friend of the Polish Music Center and the 2005…Continue Reading Gifts to the PMC: July 2022

New Bruzdowicz Collection at the PMC


For almost two decades now, four manuscript scores by Joanna Bruzdowicz—Trio dei due mondi, Tre contre tre, Concerto pour piano et orchestre symphonique, and Marlos Grosso Brasileiras—formed an important part of the rich and unique Polish Music Center’s Manuscript Collection. They were donated by the composer herself, beginning with her initial visit to USC as…Continue Reading New Bruzdowicz Collection at the PMC