The second International Opera Awards took place on April 7, 2014 in London’s Grosvenor House Hotel. Highlights of the evening included a surprise performance from Male Singer of the year, winner Stuart Skelton. Intended to be an honor similar to the ‘Oscars’ for film, the annual ‘Operas’—as they are unofficially called by audiences—are global…Continue Reading Opera Oscar For Poland
Tag: Awards
Gloria Artis For Lady Panufnik
“It’s difficult to find ambassadors who work so diligently and with such uncommon dedication for Polish culture as Lady Camilla Paunfnik in London. You embody everything that we treasure the most, and your own art gives us much happiness and admiration. This source of esteem and pride is not only steadfast, it’s also long-lasting. I…Continue Reading Gloria Artis For Lady Panufnik