Warsaw Philharmonic has announced that they are holding auditions for the post of: ORCHESTRAL TUTTI MUSICIAN – 2nd VIOLIN (FULL-TIME). Auditions for 1st and 2nd stages have been scheduled for: 24 September 2018. Interested persons should submit their applications and artistic bios no later than 10 September. Applications may be submitted in person at The Warsaw Philharmonic Office, room 109, by post to the following address: ul. Jasna 5, 00-950 Warszawa, Poland, by fax at (+48) 22 55 17 200, or by email to sekretariat@filharmonia.pl.

Orchestral experience (tutti violin performance) is advisable.

For more information, please contact: The Warsaw Philharmonic Office, phone no.: (+48) 22 55 17 102/103.

[Sources: filharmonia.pl]