On April 13, the Austrian Cultural Forum will host a program dedicated to Karol Mikuli, a student of Frederic Chopin. The concert, entitled Karol Mikuli – Forgotten Student of Chopin, a Deserving Citizen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, will feature Mikuli’s own compositions, including Op. 16, 17 and 27, and Serenade in A flat major, Op. 22 for clarinet and piano, performed by  Gabriela Machowska-Kopietz (piano), Witold Żołądkiewicz (baritone) and Anna Gut (clarinet). Mikuli studied composition with Anton Reicha and produced mainly piano works while touring as a concert pianist. He was a past director of the Lviv Conservatory as well as the Galician Music Society in Vienna.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | 7:00 p.m.
Karol Mikuli – Forgotten Student of Chopin

Austrian Cultural Forum
7/9 Próżna St., Warszawa, PL
Admission is FREE.

[Sources: polmic.pl]