“It’s difficult to find ambassadors who work so diligently and with such uncommon dedication for Polish culture as Lady Camilla Paunfnik in London. You embody everything that we treasure the most, and your own art gives us much happiness and admiration. This source of esteem and pride is not only steadfast, it’s also long-lasting. I would like to sincerely thank you and ask you to continue being active.”

With these words Bogdan Zdrojewski, Poland’s Minister of Culture and National Heritage, presented the Golden Gloria Artis medal to Lady Camilla Panufnik, who was visiting Warsaw in mid-April in connection with her husband’s centenary celebrations. For many years, Lady Panufnik has been a tireless advocate and impresario of Sir Andrzej Panufnik’s music. During the months leading up to the Sir Andrzej’s centennial, Lady Panufnik was in the forefront of organizing performances of Sir Andrzej Panufnik’s works on numerous concerts and festivals throughout the British Isles and the European continent. Lady Camilla has also spearheaded the revised publication of her late husband’s memoirs, for which she wrote an extensive afterword, covering the last few years of Sir Andrzej’s life.

In conjunction with the London Symphony Orchestra, Lady Panufnik initiated the Panufnik Young Composers Scheme, a program enabling young composers to study with acknowledged masters.

A professional photographer and writer, Lady Panufnik is also a recipient of the Lutosławski Year Medal, which she received in Warsaw during the Eleventh Łańcuch Festival in 2014.

[Source: mkidn.gov.pl]