Klecki Remembered in Łódź

Celebrating anniversaries often provides a great excuse to discover anew places, things, and people who for one reason or another became forgotten with the passage of time. This was certainly at least one of the reasons for the City Museum of Łódź to celebrate Paweł Klecki (1900-1973), a distinguished conductor and a fine composer, on…Continue Reading Klecki Remembered in Łódź

PMC Gifts: September 2023

Information Goldmine for Pianists! Grzegorz Mania, a noted concert pianist, author, and President of Polish Chamber Musicians’ Association [SPMK], is a man of many ideas. His latest brainstorm was to start a brand new publication for pianists, called Notatnik pianistyczny [The Piano Notebook]. This quarterly publication covering the months of July through September came out…Continue Reading PMC Gifts: September 2023