Sounds from New York City
Jakub Polaczyk—friend of the PMC, composer and enthusiastic promoter of Polish music in New York City—sent us a monographic CD featuring variety of his compositions. The works on this Albany Records Troy1926 release include compositions for solo trombone, clarinet, percussion, and piano, string quartet, as well as songs for bass and piano, and compositions for flute-accordion-piano ensemble, flute and piano, and flute-and-harp duo.
The performers include the composer himself (covering several piano parts), the Argus String Quartet, Paweł Cieślak (trombone), Maciej Zimka (accordion), Paweł Kubica (piano), Kofi Hayford (bass), Wojciech Komsta (clarinet), Wioletta Strączek (flute and piccolo), Blow Up Percussion Rome, and the afraH and telFDuo. With over 76 minutes of music, there is ample opportunity to sample Polaczyk’s music from recordings made between May 2021 and September 2022 in New York City, Kraków, Rome, Warsaw, and the southern Polish resort town of Łącko.
Sounds from Warsaw
The PMC recently received a rare LP, as well a digitized copy, of a 1950s Warsaw Philharmonic recording from Stuart Jenner—a vocational French horn player in the Pacific Northwest. The recording features Andrzej Panufnik’s dramatic Tragic Overture and Concerto Gotycki, as well as the highly virtuosic and rarely performed French Horn Concerto by Kazimierz Sikorski.

Thank you for this wonderful sound recordings, which will be added to our extensive library and made available to all interested students and scholars. Dziękujemy!