Another recording by Linus Roth with music by Mieczysław Weinberg (Piano Trio Op. 24, Sonata for 2 violins Op. 69 and 2 Songs without words) has been released by EPR Classic. Linus Roth is accompanied by José Gallardo, Danjulo Ishizaka and Janusz Wawrowski. The release was financed by the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage of the Republic of Poland as part of the Multi-annual Programme NIEPODLEGŁA 2017–2022. The album received a Pizzicato Supersonic award and a BBC Music Award nomination.

During the pandemic, Linus Roth also worked extensively on J.S. Bach’s Violin Sonatas, the recording of which was released by EPR Classic. Critics praised the music’s peaceful and meditative mood, the raw beauty of the interpretation, and the quality of the recording. Linus Roth is not stopping there and has already announced his next Bach album, this time with the Partitas. At this year’s Rheingau Festival, he will begin a series of performances of the complete Bach Sonatas and Partitas.

Listen to music from Light in the Darkness here, and Linus Roth’s interpretation of Bach here.

Linus Roth will perform Weinberg’s Violin Concerto with the Argovia Philharmonic (March 10, 11 and 13) and with the Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz (March 18, 20, 23 and 25).

[Sources: Sonora Music newsletter]