Augustyn’s Interview

Nowy Dziennik, the New York City based Polish weekly, featured an extensive interview in Polish with violinist Kinga Augustyn. Published on 14 February 2021, the article entitled Muzyczny świat Kingi Augustyn [The Music World of Kinga Augustyn] begins with a discussion of the two most recent recordings by this Polish virtuosa, who is also a…Continue Reading Augustyn’s Interview

Ptaszyńska on YouTube

New York Dance and Art Innovations [NYDAI] has posted a video conversation with Marta Ptaszyńska, a distinguished Polish composer living in the United States since the 1970s, on YouTube. Part of the NYDAI “Quarantine Talks,” Ptaszyńska is interviewed by her younger Polish colleague, Jakub Polaczyk, NYDAI’s Vice President and Artistic Director. Ptaszyńska’s wide ranging interview…Continue Reading Ptaszyńska on YouTube