Paddymania in Poznań!

Very few artists earned the honor of having their family name converted into a noun describing a wildly popular fad, but this little fact is still another item on the long list of lifetime achievements of Ignacy Jan Paderewski.  Somewhat delicate and graced by an engaging smile topped by a shock of auburn hair, young…Continue Reading Paddymania in Poznań!

Polish Operetta Premiere by Józef Beer

Amazingly enough, Józef Beer (1908-1987), a very successful composer of operas, operettas and other stage works, is still largely unknown in Poland. Born near Lwów (now Lviv), he came from a well-to-do family of bankers and, at his father’s insistence, first studied law at the University of Lwów. After getting a law degree, Beer entered…Continue Reading Polish Operetta Premiere by Józef Beer