Starting on April 16, the Grand Theater in Łódź will host a series of concerts entitled  “100 songs for 100 years of Independence.” During the concerts, leading soloists from the Grand Theater in Łódź will present the most beautiful songs set to the poems of Polish poets about their homeland. There will be plenty of reflection on seemingly trivial matters: worries and joys, big and small feelings, lofty ideas and those quite mundane. So it will be very Polish: hearty and humorous, with philosophical reflection.

Soloists Dorota Wójcik (soprano) and Andrzej Kostrzewski (baritone), accompanied by Aleksandra Nawe (piano), will take part in the April concert, led by Agnieszka Białek. The musicians will perform the songs of some of Poland’s most beloved composers: Fryderyk Chopin, Stanisław Moniuszko, Ludomir Różycki and Mieczysław Karłowicz. The series will continue on May 28 with a concert performed by soloists Agnieszka Makówka and Łukasz Motkowicz, with pianist Aleksandra Nawe.

April 16, 2018 | 7:00 p.m.
‘100 songs for 100 years of Independence’ Concert
Grand Theater
Plac Dąbrowskiego, 90-249 Łódź
Info & Tickets:
