In the next installment in the “Muzyka pod Liberatorem” concert series at the Warsaw Rising Museum, soprano Olga Pasiecznik and her sister, pianist Natalia Pasiecznik, will perform compositions for children by Witold Lutosławski on April 14, 2016. The event will again be hosted by Polish Radio 2’s Barbara Schabowska, who will sit down with Elżbieta Markowska, president of the Witold Lutosławski Society.
The artists will present songs for children, the lesser-known part of Lutosławski’s output, which he composed to the texts of the most respected Polish poets writing for children. Lutosławski composed over 40 songs for children (most of them were published during his lifetime), however they never constituted a separate stream in his oeuvre and usually were commissioned by the Polish Radio and TV. Some of the compositions gained significant popularity and were introduced to the curriculum of Polish schools.
The concert is organized by the Warsaw Rising Museum, PWM Edition and Polish Radio Program 2. Admission free.
Thursday, April 14, 2016 | 7:00 p.m.
Muzyka pod Liberatorem – Olga &Natalia Pasiecznik present Lutosławski
Warsaw Rising Museum
ul. Grzybowska 79, Warsaw, Poland
Admission: Free