Themed “Beethoven and New Directions,” the Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival (March 12-25) celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. This momentous event, organized since 1997, included performances by several orchestras, ensembles, and soloists from Poland and abroad. The festival began on March 12, inaugurated by a concert featuring several soloists, like pianist Yeol Eum Son and tenor Michael Schade, along the Warsaw Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra at the Warsaw Philharmonic.  Throughout the festival, audiences were able to enjoy selected repertoire from Beethoven and 19th century composers, such as Shubert, Dvorak, Shostakovich, and Gershwin.  The festival concluded on Good Friday with the 50th anniversary of the first performance of Krzysztof Penderecki’s St. Luke Passion.
