The Szymanowski Composers’ Competition is organized by the Karol Szymanowski Music Society in collaboration with the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. The subject of the competition is a piece for great symphony orchestra including:  3 flauti (3. muta in fl picc.), 3 oboe (3. muta in, 3 clarinetti (3. muta in cl.b.), 3 fagotti (3. muta in cfg), 4 corni – 3 trombe, 3 tromboni, tuba batteria (4 esecutori), arpa, pianoforte (celesta), archi (16-14-12-10-8). Required duration of the composition 10 – 20 min. The competition is open to composers of all nations regardless of age. Each participant may submit more than one score—all submissions must be made anonymously. It is possible to submit works already performed, excluding compositions already published and awarded in other competitions.

The deadline for submitting scores is November 30, 2015 (based on postmark). Scores should be sent to the following address:

2nd Karol Szymanowski International Composers Competition
The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
ul. Zacisze 3, 40 – 025 Katowice, Poland

The members of jury are all members of the Karol Szymanowski Music Society: Eugeniusz Knapik – chairman, Krzysztof Meyer, Rafał Augustyn and Sławomir Czarnecki. The jury will announce the results of the competition on December 10, 2015.

[Sources: press release,]