During the Karol Szymanowski Music Days Festival (July 25 – Aug 2) in Zakopane, there were two premieres: Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska’s String Quartet ‘Mater Dei’ and Mikołaj Górecki’s Trio Concerto for clarinet, horn, piano and strings. Mater Dei was performed on July 27 by the Navis Quartet. Trio Concerto by Sinfonietta Cracovia under the direction of Maestro Massimiliano Caldi, with soloists Joanna Domańska – piano, Roman Widaszek – clarinet and Tadeusz Tomaszewski – horn. The August 2 program also included works by M. Karłowicz, W. Lutosławski, W.Kilar and H.M.Górecki.
Sunday, August 2, 2015 | 8:00 p.m.
World Premieres by Fabiańska-Jelińska and M. Górecki
@ Karol Szymanowski Music Days
Kościół Św. Krzyża, ul.Chałubińskiego 30, Zakopane, Poland
Info: szymanowski.zakopane.pl
This year’s Opening Gala of the Transatlantyk Festival (August 7-14) in Poznań will feature the premiere of Jan A.P. Kaczmarek’s Interlude, performed by the Transatlantyk Symphony Orchestra led by Monika Wolińska, as well as Bartosz Michałowski’s Poznań Chamber Choir.
Friday, August 7, 2015 | 8:00 PM
World Premiere by Jan A.P. Kaczmarek
@ Transatlantyk Festival
Adam Mickiewicz University Concert Hall, Poznań, Poland
Info: transatlantyk.org
Later in August, world premieres of pieces by Andrzej Czajkowski – Sonata for viola and piano and Paweł Szymański – Sonata for viola and piano will take place at the Chopin and His Europe Festival (August 15-29). The two new works will be performed by Maciej Grzybowski (piano) and Krzysztof Chorzelski (viola) on August 17, 2015 at the Witold Lutosławski Studio of the Polish Radio.
Monday, August 17, 2015 | 5 p.m.
World Premieres by Czajkowski and Szymański
@ Chopin and His Europe Festival
Witold Lutosławski Studio of the Polish Radio
ul. J.P. Woronicza 17, 00-977 Warsaw
Info & Tickets: chopin.nifc.pl

Finally, during the Solidarity of Arts Festival (August 14-23, 2015) in Gdańsk, the Baltic Philharmonic will perform a concert featuring world premieres of pieces by Polish composers Paweł Pudło – War Horns (the ten French horns concerto) and Paweł Łukaszewski – Arioso for flute and organ on August 23. Entitled “Stars present World Premieres,” the concert will feature soloists from around the world—for the full list of performers, visit www.solidarityofarts.pl.
August 23, 2015 | 7:00 PM
World Premieres by Pudło and Łukaszewski
@ Solidarity of Arts Festival
Polish Baltic Frederic Chopin Philharmonic
ul. Ołowianka 1, 80-751 Gdańsk
Info & Tickets: filharmonia.gda.pl
[Sources: szymanowski.zakopane.pl, transatlantyk.org, chopin.nifc.pl, solidarityofarts.pl]