Fryderyk Chopin – Życie twórcy [Fryderyk Chopin – Life of the creator]
Mieczysław Tomaszewski
Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, 2015
Polish, English, German

The multimedia lexicon Fryderyk Chopin. Life of the creator, by the eminent Chopin scholar Mieczysław Tomaszewski, is an exceptional source of knowledge about the most outstanding Polish composer and is the fruit of many years of research into Chopin’s life and work. The elaborate structure of the lexicon comprises dozens of multi-layered screens, designed in detail by the author, filled with facts from the composer’s life, excerpts from correspondence, quotations and interpretations regarding his music, musical analysis of selected works and a voluminous Chopin bibliography. The work comes with hundreds of illustrations and musical examples, as well as recordings of Chopin’s compositions made by world-famous artists in the series The Real Chopin.

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