The jubilee series of events entitled “Program Triptych” was held from June 18-20, 2015 in celebration of 70 years of the Polish Composers’ Union [ZKP].

The first concert on June 18 was held in the Royal Castle in Warsaw. It featured the premieres of two new compositions by Krzysztof Knittel: Znaki [Signs] for electronic media (2015) and Reminiscencje [Reminiscences] for violin, clarinet, percussion and piano (2015). They were performed by Kwartludium: Dagna Sadkowska – violin, Michał Górczyński – clarinet, Paweł Nowicki – percussion and Piotr Nowicki – piano. Also on the program were Brass Fanfare Dedications written by various composers from neighboring countries, as well as Krzysztof Penderecki’s String Quartet No. 3 performed by the Meccore String Quartet.

On the second day, June 19, a program entitled “Unusual Concert” was held in the Wojciech Krukowski Auditorium of the Centre for Contemporary Art in Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw. The program consisted of the first reading of Za chwilę premiera: Apologia Krytyczna [Critical Apology] (2015), a collective report written by the following musicologists: Alicja Gronau, Dorota Krawczyk, Rafał Ciesielski, Beata Bolesławska, Katarzyna Dadak-Kozicka, Agnieszka Leszczyńska, Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek, Iwona Lindstedt, Krzysztof Bilica, Rafał Augustyn, Marcin Trzęsiok, Sławomir Zamuszko, Mieczysław Kominek, Dorota Szwarcman and Paweł Gancarczyk. Also featured that evening was the premiere of Ogniwa[Cells] for two pianos and two percussion (2015) – a work composed collectively by Rafał Augustyn, Zbigniew Bagiński, Henryk Jan Botor, Magdalena Buchwald, Artur Cieślak, Magdalena Cynk, Sławomir Czarnecki, Krzesimir Dębski, Mariusz Dubaj, Katarzyna Dziewiątkowska, Jan Fotek, Aleksandra Garbal, Alicja Gronau, Paweł Hendrich, Andrzej Hundziak, Anna Ignatowicz-Glińska, Maciej Jabłoński, Benedykt Konowalski, Marcin Kopczyński, Jerzy Kornowicz, Krzysztof Kostrzewa, Bartosz Kowalski, Katarzyna Kwiecień-Długosz, Carlos Malcolm, Maciej Małecki, Aldona Nawrocka, Anna Pęcherzewska-Hadrych, Ewa Podgórska, Maria Pokrzywińska, Jakub Polaczyk, Aleksandr Porakh, Adam Porębski, Marta Ptaszyńska, Bohdan Riemer, Mateusz Ryczek, Edward Sielicki, Jarosław Siwiński, Stanisław Skrowaczewski, Joanna Stępalska-Spix, Rafał Stradomski and Sławomir Zamuszko. Ogniwa was performed by Kwadrofonik: Emilia Sitarz and Bartłomiej Wąsik – piano, and Magdalena Kordylasińska and Olga Przybył – percussion. Another premiere was of the Katalog Krytyk Druzgocących [Catalog of Devastating Critiques] (2015), a beatbox performance of the texts of newspaper archives, created and performed by Patryk “Tik Tak” Matela. Also on the program was the open rehearsal and premiere of Wielki Kanon do tekstu Statutu Związku Kompozytorów Polskich [The Great Canon of the text of the Statute of the Polish Composers’ Union] (2015) by composer Aleksander Kościów and the premiere of Jubilee Club-Music (2015) by Pierre Nick Duo and guests: Tadeusz Sudnik – electroacoustic devices and Zdzisław Piernik – tuba and acoustic devices.

The final installment in the Triptych series was held on June 20 at the Anna and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz Museum in Stawisko, and featured performances of Polish traditional and folk songs.

Admission to all concerts was free.
