Music Academy Sinfonia Varsovia is an educational project that invites leading instrumentalists to present workshops and concerts for students interested in careers as orchestral musicians. These courses are directed to graduates of Polish music schools under the age of 26, who must pass a series of auditions similar to those required by all professional orchestras. Participation in these courses is free of charge, and the public is also invited.
The program began during the month of May with workshops and master classes featuring Tomasz Tomaszewski, the Concertmaster of Deutsche Oper Orchestra and professor at the Universität der Künste in Berlin. In early June, the Sinfonia Varsovia Music Academy hosted the world’s foremost French horn virtuoso, Stefan Dohr, a member of the Berlin Philharmonic. Master classes with Professor Jean-Claude Gérard, the former principal flute of the Paris Opera and Hamburg Philharmonic are planned for June 15-16. The workshops for oboists will begin in early July and will be led by Céline Moinet, principal oboe with the Staatskapelle Dresden and a noted soloist. Finally, Wilfried Strehle, a longtime leader of the viola section of the Berlin Philharmonic will work with aspiring violists in Warsaw to close this exciting Sinfonia Varsovia program.
The auditions for the program will be held in Warsaw June 12-14 and this Fourth Sinfonia Varsovia Music Academy is directed specifically towards violinists, violists, cellists, flutists, oboists and clarinetists. More information about the program can be found at: