Paweł Buczyński, a composer and lecturer at the Chopin Music University, and member of the Polish Composers’ Union, died January 5 at the age of 62. He studied composition with Tadeusz Baird in Warsaw and later with Roman Haubenstock-Ramati in Vienna. Since 1979 he was associated with the Warsaw Music Academy and during the 1980s and the 1990s he held various leadership positions in the Polish Composers’ Union.
Winner of several competitions for composers, Buczyński received the 1980 Young Composers’ Prize for his Muzyka opadających liści [The Music of the Falling Leaves] for string orchestra. This work had also garnered an Honorable Mention at the UNESCO International Composers’ Tribune in 1985. His last composition, Benedictus – oratorium in honore beati Edmundi in partes quinque, was world-premiered in Warsaw on November 13, 2014 at the Lutosławski Concert Studio in Warsaw.